Feature: Coupler
In order to do research based on linked data
I want to have an easy step-by-step process
to link databases together
Scenario: creating a project
When I go to the front page
And I click the "create a project" link
And I click the "Submit" button
Then it should show me a confirmation page
And ask me to add a resource
Scenario: adding a resource
Given that I have created a project called "My Project"
When I go to the project page
And I click the "Add resource" link
And I click the "Submit" button
Then it should show me a confirmation page
And ask me to add transformations
Scenario: adding transformations
Given that I have created a project called "My Project"
And that I have added a resource called "Patients"
When I go to the resource page
And I click the "Add transformation" link
And I select "first_name" for "Field"
And I select "downcaser" for "Transformer"
And I click the "Submit" button
Then it should take me back to the resource page