Comparator | exact |
Field for People | last_name |
Comparator | exact |
Field for People | last_name |
Field for Pets | owner_last_name |
Name | People |
Host | localhost |
Port | 12345 |
Username | coupler |
Password | cupla |
Database | fake_data |
Table | people |
Then /^it should start transforming$/ do pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had end
Name | Link by Last name |
Type | Self-join |
Resource(s) | People |
Name | Link by name |
Type | Dual-join |
Resource(s) | People/Pets |
People | field_name | last_name |
Then /^it should start the linkage process$/ do pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had end
Field | first_name |
Transformer | downcaser |